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Which male animals give birth to the babies?

Which male animals give birth to the babies?

  • Seahorses
  • Hummingbirds
  • Kangaroos
  • Pandas

Amazing facts

The earliest known seahorse fossils date back at least 13 million years ago.

Female seahorses transfer their eggs through an opening into males' brood pouches. The males then carry the offspring for about three weeks, eventually giving birth to 50-1,500 young seahorses.

Which country does jamon come from?

  • Spain
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • France

Amazing facts

It is believed that jamon was invented more than 300 years ago by Spanish farmers. Salting and sun-drying ham is one of the best ways to store meat.

Spain's national delicacy, jamon, is a dry-cured ham that is served in very thin slices.

What is the name of a famous Beatles song?

  • Yesterday
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Last Year

Amazing facts

In 2019, "Yesterday" by the Beatles topped the list of the '100 Absolute Best Songs in History', compiled by 24/7 Wall St.

Yesterday" is a song by The Beatles from the album "Help!", which was released in August 1965. The song was composed by Paul McCartney.

Which winter character is celebrated on 18 January?

  • Snowman
  • Christmas tree
  • Santa Claus
  • Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Amazing facts

The world's largest snowman to date was, in fact, a snow-lady and was built in the US in 2008. She stood 37 metres tall. next q

The idea occurred to Cornelius Graetz, a snowman-pictures collector from Germany. The date was picked specifically because the number 18 looks like a snowman that holds a broomstick in his hands.

Which country is the most biodiverse in the world?

  • Costa Rica
  • Colombia
  • Australia
  • Brazil

Amazing facts

There are about 200 volcanic formations in Costa Rica. Approximately 112 of them have demonstrated volcanic activity, and 60 are considered to be dormant volcanoes.

Costa Rica is considered to possess the highest density of biodiversity of any country worldwide. While encompassing just one third of a percent of Earth's landmass, Costa Rica contains four percent of species estimated to exist on the planet.

Which country is the narrowest?

  • Chile
  • The Vatican
  • Peru
  • Morocco

Amazing facts

Chilean banknotes feature not only portraits of presidents, but also poets. Yes, they do admire poetry there, despite high prices for paper books.

The Republic of Chile, situated in South America, is the narrowest, most elongated and the most southern country in the world. Its southern border is only 900 kilometres away from Antarctica.

How many bones are there in the human ear?

  • 3
  • 7
  • 1
  • 13

Amazing facts

Ears purify themselves. Pores in the ear hole produce earwax, and small hairs, called cilia, push it out of the ears. If you use the headphones improperly, you may damage your ears.

A human has ear bones only in the middle ear: a malleus, an anvil and a stapes. And basically, the ear consists of cartilage. Well, the ear itself, specifically the inner and middle, lies in the bones.

What is a monarch's staff called?

  • Scepter
  • Mantle
  • Empire
  • Support

Amazing facts

In the Middle Ages, the inclination of the scepter served as a sign of royal mercy, and kissing the scepter was a sign of allegiance to the king.

A scepter is an ancient symbol of power, used by the Pharaohs. The prototype of the scepter is a shepherd's staff.

What is the punishment for wearing very short skirts In South Korea?

  • Fine
  • Deportation
  • Probation
  • Reprimand

Amazing facts

Koreans are people of high moral character. Even night walking is considered safe in most places of South Korea.

The South Korean police are on the lookout for women in short skirts because wearing one is punishable by a fine.

Which one of these voices is the highest?

  • Soprano
  • Tenor
  • Baritone
  • Countertenor

Amazing facts

A human voice can shatter a thin-walled glass if it is the right resonant frequency.

A soprano is a high female singing voice. A countertenor is the male equivalent of the mezzo-sopranos and sopranos with an extended vocal range.